"The Timms" doing a switch heelflip higher than most can do normal ones. Next time trying making it over the garbage can Eric....geez.
Friday, June 30
Jays daily pic, installment 3.
Thursday, June 29
Getting our tax dollars worth.
Rigo doing a difficult garbage carve, the morning of the DC comp. Yeah, it's bad enough that most of you kids can't even pick up your garbage...actually it's downright embarrasing...but it's just as petty for the city of Nanaimo employees to shovel everything into the bowl. This has got to stop!!! Put your godamn garbage in the garbage cans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 28
Jay's pic of the day 2.
Jay's photo of the day.
Tuesday, June 27
Be popular.
Thursday, June 22
The mammoth of all mammoth parks.
....ever wondered what having a 2.5 million dollar skate plaza built in your hometown must feel like?? Well, I have....but the skateboarders of Winnipeg Manitoba get to live the dream in about a week. Here is the renderings of what the park is going to look like...they should have real photos up on the Newline Skatepark site in no time. It is a skatetopia. Way to go Newline.
Wednesday, June 21
Two cheers for summer!!! yay. yay.
Tuesday, June 20
Manual the tour..not the nollie flip out manual.
(here's a post from Jer Ricketts of Manual Skateboards.....the tofino trip ruled..I'll post more pics soon!!!! For now heres Soros doing a nollie backside heelflip to wall ride....he only did about five of them for the cameras...poser.)
"The trip ruled, Stash ruled every spot,park,town that we went through, chalmers stomped on Vic West, then killed a toilet in Port.Trevor killed the party when he got in the car after the Rod and Gun, the local qualicum pub, he was so excited about a party we were supposed to go to, only he passed out as he started to give me directions (so did everyone in the car)and i ended up in the middle of the woods at a dead end.
the next day we had a huge skate session it was joined by Adam Ruddel and Mike Christie along with Tyler Mackenzie..only we spent the better part of the day waiting for rain to stop, we all seshed the qualicum high school under cover. there were carpet slides, shuvs, shuv-combo's,preasure flips, all the greats! we finally decided to call it quits, and head to Port Alberni to meet up with Jamie Collins. Jamie rules, took us to a bro's house for a party & hooked up a place to stay.After a night of gut busting laughs thanks to Phil Stinner, we were up and on our way to tofino Demo...chalmers was spotted eating chicken sandwiches,and signing autographs..untill DNA team showed up. They were ripping the park so hard, it was awesome to skate with them, Brandon soros ,Matt, jordan,john,Jay,thanks for comming along..i'm looking forward to the next time. TOUR PROMO VID SOON!"
Monday, June 19
5 guys in the twillight zone tour 2006.
Stay tuned for pics from the "five guys in the twillight zone tour" later tonight. The trip turned out to be amazing!!! The Tofino park was again destroyed by our kid wonder Soros. But the highlight of the day tour was a perfect parking lot gap into the highway, where we got to see a guy crash his motor bike trying to do a catwalk. Funniest thing I've ever seen.....well, that and the time we drove past the Tofino turn off sign, and decided to add an extra 2 hours to our driving...good times. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, June 14
Manual....the tour...not the trick.
..........New Manual decks, and wheels in!!!! The decks are a dream. Pure heaven. Come and get one. $69.00 wha? wha? Yeah, that's right, $69. The wheels come in 50mm and are the perfect durometer. Not too hard, not too soft...perfect...and they are $39.00...can't go wrong for that price. Also, the Manual boys will be passing through friday evening. Let's show them some Nanaimo hospitality and meet them at the skatepark with our mountain bikes, and get in their way.
It's Time...to die...just kidding...new c1rca gear.
It's time kids..yes it's time. The new Allie "skate and destroy" thrasher shoe is in. If you haven't skated the Allie shoe yet, that's your problem. One of the best skate shoes ever made. I don't care which one of your know it all friends says c1rca's fall apart easy....it's a damn fine shoe. Also recieve the new "It's Time" C1rca DVD with every select c1rca purchase. ( shoes,or hoody ) The video is unreal!!! Fresh meat such as Sierra Fellers, Tony Tave, and Windsor James set the standard for todays ams. And heavy hitters Colt Cannon, Lopez, Allie, and Peter Ramondetta with an ender that'll make you want to give your bro a high five.