Tuesday, December 16


Join Nik Cowdrey for a free birthday skate part at the Centennial building this saturday!!!!! If anyone has any rails, boxes, ramps, anything....PLEASE BRING!!!!!

Monday, December 8


Just in time for Christmas we present to you the Ipath Fred Gall shoe. If you're a fan of Fred Gall, mid tops, and quality skateboard shoes.....well then, this is your shoe.

Friday, December 5


Ryan and Chase's profiles are now up with some new pics!!! Dylan's will be up soon!!

Tuesday, December 2

Photographic Evidence.

Rigo has a photo show going on until Jan 15th at the BeanTime Cafe in Ladysmith. If you are able to get out there, check it out!!!! A collection of photos of skateboarding featuring the DNA team and friends.