Tuesday, August 29

Jay's pic of the day...and other random junk.

So here's the scoop for the day. I finally got around to putting up Dave's profile. There were some outcries in the community, and I was told that if it wasn't up right away then snakes would lay eggs in my ears, then baby snakes would eat my brain. So here it is. Right here mang. The only thing is...I have no skate photos of Davey at the moment, so enjoy the ones I posted anyway. The pic of the day is a tasty Ipod Shifty Hop by our main man Joel Stevens. Dig it.


Anonymous said...

oh, my god, that joel stephens is so sexy

Anonymous said...

geeze, joel has his shirt on it's really a shame. haha good work joel

Anonymous said...

omg joel is so good and
so hot i wish i could
be just like him

Anonymous said...

i dont get it

Anonymous said...

do you really understand anything though tyler ?