Thursday, September 28

Tyler White is alllllright.

Myself, Tyler, and Dave got all hopped up on energy drinks and went skating tonight. Tyler buzzed his way into this rock to fakie on a death ledge. (don't bother looking for it unless you have 65mm wheels) [o]jay z [o]david took one too.


Anonymous said...

did you expose for the sky, like I showed ya? Also why is the tree in th eforeground so sharp,it's really creepy, oh and ass shots scream stunt double. Cool spot though hansel.

Anonymous said...

thats spots gnarly man i went there could do dick all not even close to makeing it all the way up sick photo bro

Anonymous said...

your lying chippy...i know you're lying because your wheels are too small to even ride on that ledge. theres a ridge in the middle that your trucks touch.