Monday, October 23

Dan Kelly for city council.

So it seems we are in for some radical changes at the north end park!! The perimeter of the park is being considerably extended to allow the skating of previously unskateable objects. Also the five stair rails are going to be replaced with rails that are skateable!!!! And the new asphalt will come up high enough so that skating over the five stair rails is possible. You can all thank Dan Kelly, give him a big hug, because he is up there as I write this supervising the construction. There is also talks of getting some new concrete benches with angle iron....believe it. We love you Dan Kelly.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thanks dan

Anonymous said...

whowa, there's going to be a picnic table added, sadly not skateable, but it will be under the trees so next summer we can sit on something other than the nasty steps we fester on now. Real grass is going to be planted, the fence is going to be completed up to the roadway fence on the side facing the field, waterfountain! And a seleced few have access to a leaf blower and brooms at the park, so no more dirt land.... wahoo

Anonymous said...

yeeeeehaaaaaaa!!! oh wait im not going to be here...shit.

Anonymous said...

First the barrier and now this. To whoever deserves the credit.. Big thanks for pimpin' out the park.

Anonymous said...

Now it's 4:20 though so I gotta spark one up!


Anonymous said...

awww dan, such a big heart but such small balls haha just playin thanks for the spiffy new stuff,

Anonymous said...

lets give some credit to John as well, he was the person who originally talked the surveyer into hooking up the orange barrier and and adding ledges with the ashphalt extension. I wonder if they are done construction yet... I wanna skate

Anonymous said...

sure...i guess john can have a credit for the orange barricade. three oi's for Johnny the Monger....oi, oi, oi.