Don't forget about the indoor session on saturday December 23rd, 7:30pm sharp. We will have free pop, and some chips, and stuff to give away for prizes. It will be funtime. I repeat, Saturday December 23rd, 7:30pm, at the Centenial building....if you don't know where it is, call DNA for directions.
Wednesday, December 20
Skate for Santa 2006.
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If theres going to be a best trick contest.. its only fair to not let the sponsered people join.. or let them be in a dif devision.
...ummm...well then it wouldn't really be a "best trick" contest. Besides, it's going to be a fun's not suppose to be a contest.
that's a crazy "shadow" in the background -translatn: the black drape thing looks like a bizarre mimic of Jay.
..oh my god!!...that's so creepy!! it's alive!!! and it wants to devour me!!!
munch munch munch munch MUAAAAAAA!!!
it's venom, it took over Jays body
sorry spiderman refrence
Can't wait for Saturday night, I hope my best friend is there.
how bout a best bail contest?
Heres some bails that could get ya some ideas!
..satan? you hope satan is there russ? your best friend? i guess that would be pretty cool. no trouble though, or i'll make everyone dissapear.
My friend Doron would be the best, Satan would be good, Jesus would be better. Dave salem and Tyler whyte would kinda rule but they are probablly hanging out playing twister with each other.
Who plays twister anymore?
They're playing spin the bottle as we speak..
.you're both retarded. they are having sex. duh.
Why did you guys change it to best trick?
Too many people eh? Fuck, lets at least have a big flatland game of s.k.a.t.e though..
That would be fun.
...okay, I'd like to set this straight. This is not a contest in anyway shape or form!!! Maybe me and Scott will just keep the prizes for ourselves. Or maybe we'll just randomly hand them out to onlookers when everybody else is skating. So don't come out to the session thinking a contest is going down, cause it's not. Only between me and Scott, it's always a contest between me and Scott.
? I never said it was.
But it would be fun to play in a big game of skate..
..i'm getting the last word here.
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