Which ever one of you little bitches TOOK the barricade out of the skatepark kindly bring it back. John was awesome enough to ask the city workers to find something like that for us, and the city was awesome enough to donate it to us. And you MORONS feel the need to transport it to the mini mall to skate it off a curb....and it's probably gone by now. So I suggest start saving your allowances to buy us a new one! Because I am going to find out who did this, and you are going to replace it. So if anyone wants to come forward and give some information, I won't slap you in the head.
Thursday, February 8
Retard strikes again.
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wow that fucking sucks
you little shits that took it suck big time. It'll get found out who took it eventually as Jay said. Eez gohn be big trouble mang.
It was timmins, he wanted to melt the plastic down to start his own dildo and buttplug company.
if living in Ladysmith has taught me anything about stolen park accessories...the barricade's in Cedar.
I heard about timmins company too. He was trying to get me to invest with him.
im going to have to agree with Scott only some cedar hick would try and steal our barricade haha
..yeah, but only nanaimo locals are stooopid enough to take it across the street to skate it down a curb.....across the street from a skateboard park. Godamn, this is it people, this is our next generation.....the world is fucked.
wait did someone actually take it across the street to skate off a curb haha whats the point of that
thats just fuckin retarded...
dont buy timmins corp. butt plugs
they are very sharp where the two kinds of plastics meet,
causing great pain and embarrassment.
well what the shit am i supposed to skate at newpark now. we carried it back from across the street last time some retard brought it over there. hopefully we can get another one, and hopefully this time people wont fuck around. oh and nice try with the buttplug comment, moron.
...if anyone wants to tell me who took it across the street, I'll give you a prize.
.....we were going to leave the big metal bench from the indoor sessions up there....but I guess now it will have to travel back and forth from my house.
Damn, I was hoping to see some retaliation about the Cedar remark from Mr. and Mrs. Aden and Colby Concyse. Damn those guys love Cedar. Thinking about it now though...I bet there's a good chance some moron from Ladysmith brought it here to add to our graveyard of random moveable shit. I'll make a pass to check it out. It's probably beside the broken glass pile, or maybe surrounded by the rusty nail wood shards.
result: not in Ladysmith.
haha thanks scott for scopin that out. :P
i heard eric timmins stole it and brought it to langley because he has nowhere to skate.
whats my prize?
No I think I did..
Must have been drunk ehy anominous?
Fuck you man.
i dont even see why people would even need to take it anywhere else
hahaha i love how "anonymous" wants to get attention and say he took it, if you really stole it, tell us your name, and i 100% guarantee that you will never be able to tyle such a lame comment again
why the fuck would someone be stupid enough to take the barrier, it has already happened so there is nothing anyone can do about it, so, the retarded idiot who took it, just confess and save nanaimo the trouble of finding out, if you confess everyone will be alot less hard on you, if not, well lets not speak of that...
Maybe it really WAS him?
hey, did anybody else notice that the barrier's missing from the park? what the hell?
well it would be the idiots that took the barrier across the street in the first place... the mini mall people or the city workers probably took it home. or maybe its now in the "urban" section in one of those houseware stores... Who would be so sad that they needed the barrier to be 4 inches shorter to skate it? WEAK BRAINS. bs come skate van.
..exactly. Learn how to ollie higher. bitches.
Let's all calm down and take a look at the evidence. In the picture there, you can clearly see a person with a blue striped sweater facing the barrier, but standing away rather pissed-off looking. The photo proves beyond reasonable doubt that this person had personal beef with the barrier, and recently exacted their revenge by abducting it and relocating the barrier to some sort of twisted unskatable terrain so it'll never be able to give joy to anyone ever again. Find the shirt...you'll find the theif. Go get him.
I've sleuthed a bit already and found a handful of accomplices:
I even hid some of the clues outside the words there to add to the mystery. when copying the link, drag way out to the right and into the white, past the end of what you can see. The rest of the link is there, it's just "invisible."
It was me! hahahaha
I'm holding the fucker hostage in my basement, until you people pay the randsom that is..
350$ and 75 cents is what I'm askin'
Pay up or never see it agian.
did you paint its yoohoo gold?
Thats me wearing the stripped sweater... I dont think stole it... wait... maybe i did...??
I say we go to the city and explain the situation. We can also show them that we did in fact try to recover it. Id say thats our only hope of getting a new barrier... Maybe they will put more sand in this one
Hey we only stole that rail from Ladysmith because we had nothing to skate in Cedar and because Ladysmith sucks.
We all miss him very much,
I'll never forget that plastic smile of his..
That smile! Ahh, and remember the way he was always there for you, whenever you needed him, rain or shine? Like a rock that guy. And his blue mohawk! but he pulled it off. Check out Soros' link. Definitely takes you back. Good times. this is too much for me...I'm breaking down.
so...... are you guys going to get in cataclysmic abyss on valentines day :)
id say it's going to be pretty cool...
that video looks so good :O
oh yeah, it will indeed be good, people jumping down 4000 stairs is always interesting, so stoked!
foundation fuckin sucks ass, aside from maybe matt allen. thats a big maybe. i have never skated the barrier but know of its power, and it saddens me deeply that some little cocksucker (probably nick bishop from qualicum cause hes gay) took that shit and skated it off of a curb. i say when we find the mongoloid who took it, we stomp his moms leg.
Foundation sucks....ahaahhaha thats a good one.
hahaha, foundation sucks so much, who ever said that, id like to see you do one of the tricks in that trailer, obviously you cant do this, so its not foundation that sucks, i think its someone else...
Woah, look at all these posts concerning the barrier..
Everyone (including me) is pissed.
Its the mystery of the year.
If I find out who took it, their blood will be splashing on the pavement.
Stupid people these days, tsk tsk tsk
..it's rad when somebody says a company "sucks". Everyone on Foundation is better than all of us combined, on a good day at that. Unfortunately being the guy that works at a skate shop, I have to hear constant "this guy sucks", "that company sucks", "this board breaks easy", blah blah fucking blah. It's so fucking depressing some times. But at the end of the day, I go home and I still love skateboarding. I take it all with a few thousand grains of salt. So whoever took the barricade across the street to skate it off a curb, it's time to fess up. Beacause I'm going to find out one way or another, break all your boards, and then melt you down into plastic to construct a new barrier....I can do that right? I can do whatever the fuck I want.
..yeah, I'm over it. I realized I can't melt people down into plastic. So I have to change my strategy.
Yeah, too bad that does'nt work eh Jay?
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