Thursday, March 15

Ain't no tom.

Rigo and "little Cruise" took advantage of the perfect day and headed up to courtney for some smooth concrete action. Brandan managed to pull off about 5 difficult tricks before Rigo grabbed his camera to snap this 360 varial heelflip...oh, sorry, "laserflip"...damn video games.


Anonymous said...

yeah sorry everyone. i was to busy sucking in the bowl to notice brandan's blitzkrieg. please let my family live. i'll do better next time.

Anonymous said...

i dont remember any video games calling it a laser flip...but what do i know

Anonymous said...

...sorry game master, somewhere along the way a bunch of tricks were renamed, I assumed it was video games. My mistake.

Anonymous said...

....maybe it was skate magazines...."laserflip" has more catchy appeal than "360 heelflip varial"....and "ollie north" is cuter than "one footed ollie"...hahahah.

Anonymous said...

Jay is right. Tony hawk's pro skater, provided us with some shitty trick names. Ollie North? Laser Flip? etc.

Anonymous said...

.....anyway, rad photo Rigo!!!! Brandan, you're crayssseeee mang.