Sunday, April 29

Art Factory.

The Tani and Sarita show was a smash hit. Fun was had by all. The art was rad. The cheese was tasty. All in all it was a success. The art will remain in the back room for a few weeks for those who couldn't make it out.


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for everyone's support! Couldn't have asked for a better debut! Sarita and I are going to keep everything up until May 19th, so for those of you that were elsewhere last night, stop by the shop and check it out!

Anonymous said...

did anyone else notice the king of spider solitaire just gameing away

Anonymous said...

I got a pigeon painting.....weeeeeeee.

Anonymous said...

thanks to everyone for coming out! yeee haaa

Unknown said...

There's an art show going on & Dave's playing solitaire?!