Thursday, January 31

Indoor Session


Anonymous said...

raise $200 and ill let you uys gimmie a mullet

Anonymous said...

How much does it cost to rent that shit out for that long?

And the nsa or who ever would, should buy the place where the "Whole sale club" used to be and make that an in door skate park for shitty weather like this

dna said... you have any idea how much that building would sell for?? only a few million most likely.
....indoor skateparks dont last because of the ENORMOUS insurance costs, and lack of support in the non-rainy months's basically impossible to keep an indoor park up and running.
....the NSA is going to be organizing fundraisers and other events in the near future to raise money for a new skatepark in the south end of Nanaimo.

dna said... would be awesome if Nanaimo had the resources to keep an indoor park running....Courtenay for some reason is blessed, and has the city operating their indoor park.

Anonymous said...

when is next idoor sesh???