Sunday, February 1

DNA VID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The original DNA video is online and available for viewing. Thank you Dan Kelly!!!!! You can't hate on this chumps, these dudes were doing everything you've already done.....years, and years ago. So suck it up, and say thanks to Dan Kelly for providing the memories!!!!! Go to this link to view!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What, no bonus features?

Anonymous said...

fuuuuuuuuuuuck yes. best memories known to skateboarding, THANK YOU DAN

Anonymous said...

ahh the good old times! Fuck we were Robbie you were a tyke! So was douma and soros! Ah yes it brought back so many good memories of endless skating with all the nanaimo crew. Although the shop is dead, the memories of my youth in nam will always be with me!