Saturday, March 21

The scorpion king.

Mike "gnarly" Farley has placed himself on the injured reserves list with a fractured foot. Let's wish him a super speedy recovery. Also, new bitches.


Anonymous said...

wheres sascha daley or the island superstar pole?

dna said...

.....can't fit everyone on there....where's Brandan Soros, or where's Syd Clark, or Judah Oakes, or Phil Stinner.....the list can go on and on my long haired friend.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Willie Mitchell.

Anonymous said...

i vote for jack cairns..

PS whats up with me not getting a post for my town ligaments huh jay what the shit fuck ive been on the injured list for almost a month now
...your itchin for a drop kick buddy

juust kiiiddin

dna said...

..torn ligaments are for pussies!!! Hahaha!! A real man fractures bones!!