Thursday, May 3

Video video. yo.

We have decided to reactivate the video contest. But this will not be for a spot on the DNA squad. It's just a video contest....with prizes. I'll post more details later this week....and round up a ton of sponsors to donate prizes for your hard work.


Anonymous said...

yah jay you the man!
i was starting to think all that hard
work was going to be for nothing.
now ill go skate even harder.
i wanna thank dna for giving us skaters opertunities like these.
no other shop would be as cool;

Anonymous said...

i think its all good
going out with some buddies to skate a spot is always fun
sure if people decide to throw down its worth filming
this will give many of those young bucks, stevens, a chance to show everyone his skills

Anonymous said...

Haha, where was that picture found? That's like 5 years old. I'll be back in town next weekend. Lets SKATE!