Monday, November 10

Maple ridge park.

Here's some snippets I filmed at the new Maple Ridge park with Justin Allain, and Dan Kelly. Shaky camera work and editing done by me.


Nate said...

I voted for the Palin lady

dna said...

And she voted for you Nate. She rolled up to the polling station on her fixed gear bike.

Anonymous said...

fuck. how do i get to this park?

dna said...

...maple ridge BC. 45min-1hr drive from downtown van. Directions on I believe.

Nate said...

don't go there, the park lady makes you stop smoking and the little kids steal from you because you drive a "fully flared" van.

dna said...

...this is true!!! Don't leave your bearings lying around (nate), and if you leave empty beer cans, blame it on the rowdy teenagers in the football field!!!!!! And if you pull up in the Lakai Fully Flared van, tell the kids "yes, Koston is in there...but he's too drunk and passed out."