Monday, August 21

Photo installment #2.

Wow...two jay photos in one day. I must be bored, and really love myself. But the truth of the matter is that..yeah, I rule. Here's pics from our session last friday night at the "south gate annihilator" gap. I call it that because it is an uphill landing, and it rips the shit out of your palms when you bail. Dig it. Marten's kickflip was so beautiful I almost cried....and when I broke my board, I cried then. - Jay Z-pop shove [o]Russel morland. - Marten-kickflip [o]russel.


Anonymous said...

is it just me, or is there only kickflips and pop-shoves on this site ?

Anonymous said...

So I looked through the site an d we have Heelflips, BAckside heelflips, back fitys, BAckside air, big floater ollies, switchfrontside flips, 3 flip footplants, ermm should I go on? What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

..out of the 70 posts on this site, i counted 3 kickflips, and one pop shove...that's 3, and anonomous, that's some serious fucking genius at work there.

Anonymous said...'s a challenge to the moron with the first post...send me your best photo of yourself, and i'll post it on the website..come on, spice it up a little bit..let's break away from those kickflips and pop shoves...anonymous has something totally new and innovative for us. stay tuned..oh yeah kid, send the photo to .

Cody said...
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Cody said...

That's impressive, that gap is far from being ideal.. good work.

Anonymous said...

its hilarious how every few months there has the be a shit talker. and its always some bitch who probably doesn't even skate... or atleast hasn't gotten a photo of them doing anything even an ollie in the last year. let alone a kickflip or a popshuv downa a gap bigger than there mama's booty.... haha go skate, stop crying. have fun.

Anonymous said...

i like kickflips...and pop shuvs even though i can't do either

Anonymous said...

its freeking skakteboarding, do what the fuck you want.

Anonymous said...

Martin has talent