Tuesday, March 6

Been there, done that.

At the request of anonymous, here is Henry's part from Sight Unseen. Henry who? That's right, Henry Sanchez, another skate god who was decades ahead of his time. Doing kickflip noseblunt slides before people even knew what pier 7 was. One of the only ones in existence who can make an inward heelflip look good. Eat it up. yum.


Anonymous said...

man, what happened to this guy? I think Chris Dobstaff offed him and then stole his style.

Anonymous said...

there we go
sick part

Anonymous said...

It's gnarly that he just lurks the slap forums now and vibes dudes out on some shit all day.

Anonymous said...

..does he? how do you know this? it's probably some tard that just uses his name.