Sunday, January 28

Lord of the lords.

Matix held their "lord of the lines" contest over the last few days...or week...who knows...i'm a little slow on what's happening in the glorious world of skateboarding...but what I do know is Dennis Busenitz skates at mach 10, Joey Brezinski is a 9th level tech wizard, and Ronnie Creager will be the best till he dies...he's like 85 years old or something.Click on this sentence to view the footage. (camera work is a little shaky, but you get the idea)


Anonymous said...

"Lord of the lines"

I remember when my buddy got me ounces of coke from vancouver. I used to be the lord of the lines.

Anonymous said...

..ounces??? you pansy lightweight.

Anonymous said...

joey b. should have won

Anonymous said...

Man I was going o do all those tricks Sat night but my change fell out of my pocket.

Anonymous said...

You guys took lots of photos on saturday night eh? Did Matt land that nose blunt?

Anonymous said...

i think Joey Lawrence should have won. He's got the best hair, ever.