Tuesday, July 11

Russ is neat.

Russ has a cool interview up on www.whipup.net ...check it out, or chickens will lay eggs in your stomach.


Anon said...

it wouldn't be too hard to crap out those eggs...but i'll check out the article anyways just cus russ morland is a sick artist...

nikkishell spelled the word typography incorrectly...could be a typo...eh i'm just a nazi about that sorta thing.

my typography professor was a sadist.

Anonymous said...

..you spelled "cus" wrong.

Anon said...

hehe touché but that "cus" was just from pure internet laziness.

Anonymous said...

I like that picture cool idea but it need to be framed tighter or taken from a more head on angle. But that just what I think and I am wrong most of the time.

Anonymous said...

it was a lucky snapshot, for sure, not much thought went into it. Cool though!

Anonymous said...

..yeah, it wasn't a planned shot by any means....i came to work, and russ was passed out on a couch....weird thing is....we don't even have a couch.

Anonymous said...

or a russ

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested