Thursday, December 28

The curse of the jay photos.

Following in the footsteps of his mentor, Brandan pulls off a varial heelflip in pretty much the exact same spot I did, almost exactly a year ago, both photos taken by Russ.......creepy. The only difference is this time Russ has way better camera gear. Score: Brandan - 1, Jay - 0.


Anonymous said...

thats pretty high

Anonymous said...

SICK ALTHOUGH i LIKE Jay's photo better.

focus crew said...

yeah the lighting on brandon is kinda bunk, but the ramp and pallete are really well lit.

Anonymous said...

Very nice.
Are you guys skating the indoor more than the public gets to skate it?
Id like to skate it more.. can we work something out to skate it more often?

Anonymous said...

around 40$ to rent 3 days in advanced giver!!!!!

Anonymous said... they are not going to rent it out to just anybody. besides, something stupid would happen, and ruin it for the rest of us.