Friday, December 29


Finally a dry sunny day. Old man Jay Z dusts off the rusty legs and bags a photo.


focus crew said...

best Rigo photo yet, well with the fish eye anyway, seen some good shots in the past. Love it, A little more light on your face would have been Ideal and contrast in the park but that really hard to get, I know that for sure. Sky is awesome and framing inbetween trees could not get any better. When he gets those new falshes hes gonna be unstopable.

Anonymous said...

...I agree with you on this one Russ. I called Rigo first thing this morning and told him this is my favorite Rigo photo of all far. Wait till you see Robbie's photos over the same hip, beautiful. Maybe we could start a "get rigo flash gear" fund.

Anonymous said...

robbies photos?

Anonymous said... that a question?? i don't get it.

focus crew said...

good things come to those that wait...and I said falshes...not sure what a falsh is, pretty funny though, we shoud start a falsh fund.

Anonymous said...

where are robbies photos

Anonymous said...

You'll see them soon enough anonymous
aka: Robbie.

Anonymous said...

...yeah, hold those horses, no rush here. The Robbie photos are in the photo vault waiting for the most opportune time to reveal themselves.

Anonymous said...

hahaha i love how "anonymous" says that it is me (robbie), im pretty sure i have the photos so why would i care if they were up on the site


Anonymous said...

.hey robbie, there is a spot to put your name. it's pretty simple. do it. now.

Anonymous said...

ive tried so many times! and it wont let me! it said my email is invalid or something like that so i cnat really do it haha

Anonymous said... click "other" and type your name's way too complicated, i know...i feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

Gotcha' Jay! haha, im not to smart leave me alone!!

Anonymous said...

Jay, WOW!!. Rigo, WOW!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Rigo. That shit is dope.

I'll contribute to the "get rigo flash gear fund" because these on camera flash photos are killing me. Most on camera flashes aren't able to cover fisheye lenses and this one is no exception. Still very nice.

Anonymous said...

How did he get this shot?
Looks as if Jay ollied over the camera man!

Anonymous said... has to do with an excellent skater/photographer relationship. Rigo knows where I am at all times, and I know where he is at all times. If you look at my eyes, I'm actually watching Rigo, it's pretty funny actually. He is underneath me, but as soon as he snaps the pic, he darts out of the way. And if I'm going to bail, I know where he's going to go, so I can direct my board else where.

Anonymous said...

haha ya